Some Thoughts: Atlassian's 2020 Retrospective on the History of Work
A retrospective infographic by Atlassian shows how technology developed by decade from the 1950s to the present, as well as how perceptions of what the future might be developed alongside it. Some futurists have been remarkably prescient:
In a 1964 interview with the BBC, science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke nailed almost all of his predictions for the year 2014. He predicted the use of wireless communications, making us “in instant contact with each other, wherever we may be,” as well as robotic surgery, only missing his prediction that workers would no longer commute to their offices and travel “only for pleasure”.
This Stephane Kasriel quote from the final section might be a bit onerous for those hoping for the security of traditional employment:
The majority of the U.S. workforce will freelance by 2027.
Perhaps those of us in the arts are a bit more robust for already having had this experience?
(Image courtesy of Alex Knight on Unsplash)