Fragment / by Chris Foley

Looking south on Richmond St. in London, Ontario

Looking south on Richmond St. in London, Ontario

This unfinished post was written a few weeks ago when I was on the road. The road back to blogging was challenging at times, and I got back into the routine of writing in stages. Not everything I write for the blog makes it here.

This morning marks the midpoint of my January exam trip in Ontario. The storm hit yesterday morning, so the drive to the exam centre was not great, made worse by tailgating Saturday morning drivers. But I still got to the centre early, and my Saturday lineup of exam candidates (and their collaborative pianists) all arrived on time. The weather worsened through the day, so I headed straight to the hotel afterwards.

This morning was a good time to catch up with finishing up exam reports, reading, having a slow breakfast around the corner, and taking my time making the trip west to Sarnia for the next round of examining. Leaving early allowed some space for a pit stop at Starbucks, chai tea latte, and quality writing time on the iPad.

Part of the challenge of my work these days is managing teaching, admin work, scheduling, invoicing, practicing, and trying to fit in writing in as well. With a studio operating at capacity, writing is no longer something that I can simply do in the spaces between gigs, as it was when I first started blogging. The challenge of social media’s dominance of the online space is that it can make writing on the web (which was so prevalent even 10 years ago) much harder to accomplish.