I haven’t published anything on this blog since May 2023 but early 2025 is as good a time as ever to return to it / by Chris Foley

I want to get back into blogging and I know how to do it. Start simple, start at the level of the blog post rather than planning too much. The goal is output rather than views or stats. That’s no longer viable for me and doesn’t motivate the way it used to.

Ideas that can be strung along for multiple posts over weeks rather than single, long posts. Build a body of work from the outset.

Articles don’t need to be full essays, but flood the zone with lots of interesting short articles that lead to cool stuff, like Andy Hawthorne’s on blogging when most people will never read your articles or Annie Mueller writing about how she is going to keep making shit and hoping that we do too. Variety is good.

And it shouldn’t be toxic, which will already put me at an advantage compared to most media in early 2025.